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Feet to the Fire" © ® - MMIII-MMXVIII James A. Jancik. All Rights Reserved.
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Click the DATE for more information and to access the show archive
Guest Highlights


tt: 1:32:00

James Starts F2F Year #15! James gives background and commentary of the most important info to come out of the Padesta Emails: Child Sex/Blood Ring with psychic Jim Shultz. HD Video on Facebook


tt: 1:29:15

James comments on many of the happenings of the week, in advance of the Presidential Inauguration, which, has taken on a surreal feel. Also Les Visible's Commentary.


tt: 1:01:41

James comments on the process we are in of the separation of Reality and Delusion/illusion. Also Les Visible's Commentary. (NOTE: the first 18 mins were lost. Mic was off).


tt: 1:41:57

James comments on the reality of ideals clashing in the world from politcal and spiritual perspectives. Also Les Visible's Commentary.


tt: 1:41:57

James ues a bit of metaphysics along with observational logic to build a world view of current events within a MATRIX-type of a physical universe. While all analogues to explain a reality we cannot fully comprehend, it has explained a lot of things happening now.Also, long time friend and reoccurring guest, psychic Jim Shultz joins us for his perspective on current events.


tt: 1:56:39

James addresses v arious news items for the week, plus, open talk and questions with live YouTube watchers


tt: 1:24:26

Tonight James looked into the concept of perhaps the Mayan2012 thingy was off a few years? First time in memory, mass witches cursing the president??? Also talked about bout the disappearance of David Seam and Benn Swann from the web after rthey talked (too much?) about #PizzaGate? Plus weekly commentary from Les Visible


tt: 3:03:51

James comments on weekly news, Les Visible commentary and Dr. Richard Alan Miller returns for open talk with james and answer video chat questions


tt: 1:26:141

James comments on weekly news, Les Visible commentary and Dr. Richard Alan Miller to promote his appearence at Chicago Area Survival Expo



There wasn't a live broadcast, but there are three videos pre-produced and released this week. Les Visible latest video commentary, Jim Jatras had two interviews with Straight Talk on Syria and on The Ukraine with information that is ignored by the standard MSM/USA narrative

Click the DATE for more information and to access the show archive
Guest Highlights


tt: 3:00:00

James Starts F2F Year #14! James opening comments, Jim Shultz with Psychic Commentaries, Dr. Richard Alan Miller with open talk with James


tt: 2:07:43

James opening comments, James M. McCanney, M. S. talks about his new book, The Nazca Palpa Lines Peru - The Mystery Solved, suggesting it was used as a Fractal Antennae!


tt: 3:00:23

James opening comments, pieces by Janet Phelan and Les Visible. Terral03 shares his findings and theories on The Black Star; the true source of Planet X legend and Gov pysops.


tt: 2:59:12

James opening comments, Pieces by Janet Phelan and Les Visible. and 2 segments with Richard Alan Miller. !- Planet X and 2-The structure of Time


tt: 2:25:02

James opening comments, Les Visible commentary, and the broadcast of James' live interview on The Edge AM with Daniel Ott


tt: 1:55:41

James opening comments, Reporter Janet Phelan on the strange death of John Lang, the continued secret incarceration of Cary-Andrew Crittenden and author Robert C Valentine - Alert for the Times: Book of Secrets


tt: 1:58:43

James opening comments, Reporter Janet Phelan on the continued secret incarceration of Cary-Andrew Crittenden. James speaks on traps in finding Reality and methods he incoperates


tt: 2:06:03

James opening comments, Reporter Janet Phelan updates the incarceration of Cary-Andrew Crittenden and her new article on the 2016 election. Psychic Jim Shultz chats with James


tt: 1:02:32

James opening comments, Les Visible commentary, and open talk with James


tt: 2:01:15

James opening comments, Janet Phalen Reports, Les Visible commentary and open talk with Psychic Jim Shultz


tt: 1:58:50

James opening comments on his return to the ai rafter finishing the refurb of the studio electronics, Les Visible commentay and open talk with Psychic Jim Shultz


tt: 2:27:32

James opening comments Les Visible commentary and Earth Mag Field flux talk with Hopi Expert, Mark Borcherding


tt: 2:58:59

James opening comments Les Visible commentay, Janet Phelan and a 2 hour open talk with Dr. Richard Alan Miller


tt: 1:18:27

James opening comments Les Visible commentary, Open Talk with James as he muses on the only real thing(s) we can do in these tumultuous times


tt: 2:00:27

James opening comments Les Visible commentray and open talk with Psychic Jim Shultz


tt: 2:00:27

James opening comments, Janet Phalen Reports, and Open Talk with James.


tt: 2:23:27

James opening comments Janet Phelan Reports, Les Visible Commentary, and Lional Parkinson warns of the coming Negative Interest Savings Rates and how to avoid it. PDF


tt: 2:06:58

James opening comments on the Principles of Feet to Fire Radio and his search for truth, Les Visible Commentary. Psychic Jim Shultz has Open Talk with James. See YouTube HD Video of opening segment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1To-Xpzb5mk


tt: 2:23:27

James opening comments on several Facebook posts and propaganda, Les Visible Commentary


tt: 1:54:00

James openming comments with a warning for Trump, and a live interview with Les Visible


tt: 3:28:48

James opening comments, Commentary from Les Visible, psychic Jim Shultz talks with James, and Private Eye, Ed Opperman, a Bernie Sanders reporter talks about info in the DNC drama he has behind the scenes and also abouty Trump



James Open Talk and Commentay fom Les Visible.


tt: 2:26:05

James opening comments, Commentary fom Les Visible, and the return of Dr. Richard Alan Miiller for open talk including the Madella Effect.


tt: 2:05:6

James opening comments and open talk with psychic Jim Shultz


tt: 1:17:55

James opening comments, Commentary fom Les Visible, and Open Talk with James.


tt: 1:26:02

James opening comments, Commentary from Les Visible, and a short interview with Dr. Carley M.D on reversing the effects on vaccinations


tt: 2:58:49

James opening comments and a Discussion on The Mandela Effect and Reality Shifting with Cynthia Sue Larson


tt: 2:00:12

James opening comments and a visit from Psychic Jim Shultz and open talk between them


tt: 3:00:49

James opening comments. Les Visible Socio-Political-Spiritual commentary,Krsanna Duran -on The Richard T. Miller -Space Tapes- alien comunication during the 50's-70''s


tt: 2:14:04

James opening comments. Les Visible Socio-Political-Spiritual commentary, Professional Editor and Critical Thinker, Bruce MacDonald joins James for Open Talk on philosophy, spirituality and the Election.


tt: 1:04:60

James opening comments on the ramifications of this Election with a clip from Malcom X. Les Visible Socio-Political-Spiritual commentary


tt: 2:12:34

James opening comments. Les Visible Socio-Political-Spiritual commentary and Lional Parkinson returns to talk about Negative Interests rates, Gold and US Treasury Securities


tt: 1:59:01

James opening comments. Les Visible Socio-Political-Spiritual commentary and Psychic Jim Shultz answers James' questions about the election


tt: 1:41:30

James opening comments. Les Visible Socio-Political-Spiritual commentary and James answers the question put to him, "How could you vote for a sexual predator & sexist Donald Trump?"


tt: 0:59:45

James opening comments on political idealogical extremism in USA. Les Visible Socio-Political-Spiritual commentary


tt: 0:59:45

James opening comments on political ideological extremism in USA. Les Visible Socio-Political-Spiritual commentary. Dr. Richard Alan Miller, PhD. returns to decry A.I. Oppression on Amazon and warns more as Quantum Computers offer A.I. exponential growth. See HD YouTube Version


tt: 1:38:00

James opening comments. Les Visible Socio-Political-Spiritual commentary. psychic Jim Shultz with open talk with James.


tt: 1:38:00

James opening comments #FakeNews ans #Pizzagate, also, the connection of the ancient gods and the current wars. Les Visible Socio-Political-Spiritual commentary


tt: 0:58:52

James with a Christmas message of sorts on Jesus' Words. Les Visible Socio-Political-Spiritual commentary

Click the DATE for more information and to access the show archive
Guest Highlights


tt: 1:28:52

James Starts F2F Year #13! Opening comments by James, Janet Phelan will discuss a report that by 2025 one half of all children will have autism! and open talk with Psychic James Shultz


tt: 0:58:52

Opening c omments by James, and report by Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, "Did the Dept of Justice Just Lie to the UN?" Also James talks about the traps set in the lure by Special or Hidden Knowledge and what it is a meant to trick us from the real Gems we should seek??


tt: 0:58:52

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, OPEN TALk with James: Putin defender of Democracy? How Fasting Helps, Spiritual Growth, FCC oversight on Internet trade for Net Neutrality, Thorium vs Uranium, More.


tt: 3:30:42

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Jim Schultz Psychic Readings & Commentaries, Mark Borcherding is a researcher of sacred geometry, Mayan and Native culture, Quantum science, Marian apparitions, and Consciousness. Mark will add info on current events from Mayan and Hopi Elders.


tt: 1:58:56

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Open Talk with James


tt: 2:23:24

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Open Talk with James. Among things, James will talk about what Easter means to him after his years of searching for Truth.


tt: 2:58:50

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, "Did Project Paperclip smuggle in some Nazis under Jewish names?", Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, A F2F favorite,, Frank Joseph joins use to talk about his new book, "Atlantis and the Coming Ice Age" as well as other aspects of Atlantis on which he has prolifically written.


tt: 1:41:24

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, " Discussing some of the issues surrounding those who are now trying to address what is happening in the legal system; the reality of retaliation.", Les Visible, a Social, Political, Spiritual Commentator weekly on F2F will be here for we live video interview.


tt: 2:21:33

Opening comments by James, commentary by Les Visible, Impromptu talk with James McCanney, M.S., And another installment of Resonating with Reality with James: Karma, Grace, Submission (to God), God's Will, Free Will, Subversion (by humans and aliens. multidimensional Beings. Demons, Satan) and come up with understanding without contradictions.


tt: 1:01:25

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, "Holder sued bu whistle-blower Richard Lambert. Janet announce her application for asylem in Equador.", Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, James addresses a comment posted on his latest YouTube video in the series, "Resonating with Reailty.


tt: 2:08:25

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, "Continuing report on Judicial Corruption and Abuse of Powers", Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Mark Borcherding and James talk about the collapsing of and the reversal of the Earth's magnetic field. What it can mean and how this can tie into The 3rd Secret of Fatima, the Chastisement of Garabandal, The "Kill Shots" of Maj. Ed Dames, Jesus warnings in Matthew, Mark & Luke, Cosmic Rays, Mental lapse & brain illness, and more.


tt: 4:06:25

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, "The Bio-Weapons Convention Turns 40- Are we Any Safer? ", Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Rob Daven (The Conspiracy Channel) stops by to talk all things Conspiracy, Author, Researcher Patrick Wood exposes the Trilateral Commission and their ideology of Technocracy in the past and current activities such as Agenda 21 and Carbon Credits.


tt: 1:59:39

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, "The UN Bio-Weapons Convention hears ITHICA despite missing it ", Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, and Cary-Andrew Crittenden detaills of judicial, police and prosecutorial corruption and persecution he has faced.


tt: 2:05:27

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, "Paul Calder le Roux: Arch Villain or Arch Agent", Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, and Psychic James Schultz who, among other comments, does a "cold reading" on JADE HELM without any knowledge of what it is with interesting results


tt: 2:20:01

Opening comments by James with a report on military buildup in Oak Forest, IL, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Dr. Michael Sharp stopped by for a general talk with no particular theme which included a rather spirited exchange on Global Warming/Climate change; Political Exploitation or a Real Man-Made event.


tt: 1:32:52

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, on a NEO story on the Coming US Invasion of Syria, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, and Inspired by last week's show, and in the absence of a previously planned guest, James address some of his problems with the "Global Warming" Arguments


tt: 3:16:36

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, An extensive interview with James McCanney, M. S. on accusations that have been tossed about that he has "sold out to" or "caved under pressure from" the Powers-That-Be to publicly state there is NO Planet X in the sky as of now and for the September Doomsday predictions. Also address is the Doom predictions for Sept 2015 and their flawed basis and the misquotation of his work.


tt: 3:16:36

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, revisit's and updates her Water Wars article, Open Talk with James and Psychic Jim Shultz along with talk on Jade Helms 15.


tt: 3:16:36

Opening comments by James, Fatima Researcher and author, Robert C Valentine traces things Fatima ties it with the Hiroshima Miracle in which several Jesuit Priest survive The Bomb at ground zero (See link for documentation)


tt: 3:00:21

Opening comments by James, Commentary by Les Visible, James' series, Resonating With Reality: Knowing the Nature of God, The Clockwork of Creation, Consciousness, Life and who we are and how do with fit.


tt: 3:51:56

Opening comments by James, Commentary by Les Visible, Author and historian, Robert C. Valentine discusses his view of the Prophecies of St Malachy, Fatima and Nostradamus and how they apply to modern times in a way that is very original and interesting.


tt: 1:54:35

Opening comments by James, News of large safes being installed thoughtout Chicago (video), Commentary by Les Visible, James Resonates with Reality and discusses The Layers of Consciousness from the Material to the Spirit. (See Video Version)


tt: 1:59:44

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, on a NEO story on the Rise in Assisted Suicide , Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, GEET inventor, Paul Pantone gives us an update in his projects and persecutions as he speads the word about the aternative fuel GEET system


tt: 1:58:40

Opening comments by James, Commentary by Les Visible, Jim Schultz on Psychic readings and commentaries and James questions and comments. Jade Helm is discussed.


tt: 1:00:27

Opening comments by James, Commentary by Les Visible, Open Talk with James


tt: 3:02:27

Opening comments by James, Report by Janet Phelan, Commentary by Les Visible, Psychic Jim Shultz, and Mark Borcherding with more on Earth's Waning Magnetic Field and it ties in with 3rd Secret of Fatima


tt: 1:32:52

Opening comments by James, Commentary by Les Visible, James talks about Spiritual Prepping for these tumultuous times.


tt: 1:58:52

Opening comments by James, Commentary by Les Visible, James talks with friend and psychic, Jim Schultz on some dreams and unease while yet having spiritual experiences.


tt: 1:09:52

Open Talk with James, Reporter Janet Phelan with observations on the French Terror Attach, her article on Maditory Vaccinnes for Vets, and her article on Psyops with Israel


tt: 3:00:00

Report from Janet Phelan and Commentary from Les Visible. Brian David Andersen presents his evidence for JFK's shooting. (Brian's video presentation/interview on F2F can be found HERE)


tt: 3:17:10

Opening comments by James, Commentary by Les Visible, Rob Daven of the ConSpiracy Channel talks about current topics and in depth look at the uses of the Roku player for a Cable Tv alternative, James McCanney, M.S. responds to James' request to address the internet assertions that the Earth's Magnetic field is diminishing, opening the door for disaster.


tt: 2:00:10

James opening comments, Les Visible Commentary, Open talk with James and psychic, Jim Shultz (Livestream video found here: http://livestre.am/5fVcB


tt: 3:05:10

James opening comments, Les Visible Commentary, Janet Phelan Report on ISIS Chem weapons from USA? Private Eye, Ed Opperman stops by with Open Talk with JAmes

Click the DATE for more information and to access the show archive
Guest Highlights


tt: 2:5930

James Starts F2F Year #12! Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan on S. Carolina Supreme Court Justices after corruptione go, Rob Daven of Conspiracy HQ talks with James about various Conspiracy topics and news from 2014 and more.


tt: 2:00:00

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Commentaries, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan on Corrupt police agencies collude with indifferent civil rights organizations to enable further attacks on our Constitutional rights. A true to life "Howard Beale", Kevin D. Blanch, took a video stand since DAY ONE of the Fukushima nuclear disaster calling it "The worst disaster in human history".


tt: 3:00:00

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Author Lional Parkinson (The Holy Virus) talks about an ancient find from the reign of Cyrus who freed the people to return to there lands and rebuild their temples. The Bible omits the actual name of this "Lord God of of Heaven" But the Cyrinian scrolls does not. One of the proofs asserted in his book that some Old Testament writings were tainted with Babylonia Theology.


tt: 1:47:24

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan,"Is the US government using magick", Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, James reveals a "vision" he received on the "Restoration of Creation".


tt: 1:10:32

A short, pre-recorded show as James has to leave town very early Monday morning. Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan,"Who is stockpiling chemocal weapons and failing to destroy them and is blatantly violating the Chemical Weapons Convention", Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries,


tt: 2:59:00

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan,"Obama is thinking about killing another US citizen with a drone attack ", Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Jan Mattson discusses her Healing Music based on ancient musical, mathematical progressions and more.


tt: 1:57:39

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan " Yet another government insider has recently declared that a biological weapons attack is 'imminent.'", Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, James Asks (and offers an answer) What does Planet X, Pole Shift, Kill Shot Solar Flare, Comet or Asteroid Hit, Godzilla (or any Daikaiju), Marvel Super Heroes, The Return of Jesus, Les Visible's "Mr. Apocalypse", Armageddon, Alien (invasion or intervention), The New Age/ Mayan Calendar, etc., all have in common? Do they have a common source (or inspiration)?


tt: 2:59:00

Opening comments by James, "Old Sci-Fi flix and modern theories", Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan "reading from James Robert Baker's novel, "Right Wing." An unpublished satirical novel, written in the mid-nineties, was prophetic in terms of its vision as to what America was becoming'", Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Jim Schultz (Psychic Readings & Commentaries, Rob Daven (Conspiracy HQ) returns to discuss a possible WWIII in the Ukraine. Also an Army document James's received from a listener outlining the use of FEMA camps during domestic troubles. (Rob has posted a video version of this segment HERE)


tt: 2:59:00

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Bonnie and John Mitchell have built and now sleep in a Faraday Cage. They explain the motivation and benefits behind their project and how you can join in.


tt: 2:59:00

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan,, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Authot, Jeffery Daugherty "Apostle Paul, Anti-Christ?" discusses the factual evidence layed out in his novel making the case that Paul was at odds with the others Apostles; even killing James?


tt: 2:59:00

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan Records are disappearing from public oversight. Is this sloppy on the part of our government or is there a more nefarious process in place?'", Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Rob Daven (Conspiracy HQ) returns to discuss various Conspiratorial Topics in the news, including the fate of flight 377.


tt: 2:33:36

Opening comments by James, Returning guest, Physicist Dr. Richard Alan Miller, talks about many topics and metaphors. Spirituality, reincarnation, mushrooms, multi-dimensional makeup of reality, the holographic universe, the real battle for earth though infected/altered genes, and much much more.


tt: 2:00:00

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan reveals her now bombshell whistle-blower book, 'Exile', Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Open Talk with James.


tt: 2:00:00

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan reveals her now bombshell whistle-blower book, 'Exile', Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Psychic Jim Shultz


tt: 2:00:00

Opening comments by James, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan reveals her now bombshell whistle-blower book, 'Exile', Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Open Talk with James: Godzilla 2014 is out and it was awesome! :-) One thing I wanted to outline is how many competing, even contradicting, theories, do support one another if you back up to a wider theory to incorporate them all. An example I will use is 911 Truth.


tt: 2:00:00

Open Show this week with James, Stream of Consciousness, Live Talk and commentaries on life's situations, all with a Spiritual/PhilosophicalEye.


tt: 2:00:00

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Open Talk with James and Rod Daven from ConspiracyHQ.tv kick around various topics from Climate change to Mind Control


tt: 3:00:00

Opening comments by James, Jim Schultz (Psychic Readings & Commentaries, Chris McCleary from the National Dream Center about his predictive dream analysis, 'Dream Bots' and 'Project August' in which the public can participate by adding their dreams about things happening in August.


tt: 3:00:00

Opening comments by James, Also, James talks about the up coming video series he is working on with premise and defining terms. James McCanney, M.S. talk about his book, "Cracking RSA Codes for Fun and Profit" to show that the long treasured and depended upon encryption keys are not safe and easy to crack!


tt: 1:47:02

Opening comments by James, Janet Phalen disscussed the recent release of the DOJ memo which provided legal support for the assassination of Anwar al Awlaki, a US citizen, and raises questions as to whether the US Constitution is actually still in effect. Open Talk with James for the balance.


tt: 2:40:30

Opening comments by James, Reporter-at-Large, Janet Phalen - Dr. Basson, dubbed by the South African media "Dr. Death," has again evaded sentencing by the Health Professions Council in S. Africa. Psychic commentaries with Jim Shultz, and Kif Davis, a listener to F2F, will talk about his holding the City Council of Portland OR's Feet to the Fire in their covering up for a pedophile who is a brother of a police official there. And more.


tt: 2:59:00

Opening comments by James, Matthew Stein (Author, "When Technology Fails") returns to F2F to speak on the Protocol Standards recently adopted by FERC in the event of severe solar storms or EMP weapons; which is actually no Protocol at all and, in a serious event, is a receipt for ending civilization as we know it!


tt: 1:59:00

Opening comments by James, Reporter-at-Large, Janet Phalen - Smallpox: A Deadly Shell Game, Nickie Thetsy happened to be on Skype and availble to talk about the importance of neutrition in spiritual growth, healing and maturity. James begins his "Resonating with Reality" Video Series tonight with: The rational and evidence used by the Elite to consider themselves Human and others Animals.


tt: 2:15:00

Opening comments by James, Reporter-at-Large, Janet Phalen - We will discuss the current Ebola situation, as it relates to a eugenics model. Is airborne Ebola a threat or is this simply another ploy to divert our attention from actual issues?. Psychic commentaries and open talk with Jim Shultz


tt: 4:00:00

Comments by James, the return to radio of Les Visible commentaries after his injury, Healing Meditation for Denise O'Dell, A 3 hour talk with Listener-Turned-Author Andre Hodge on health and spiritual issues. GREAT STUFF!


tt: 4:00:00

Opening comments by James, Reporter-at-Large, Janet Phalen, NSA- There is a Spy in My Soup, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, The return of Dr. Richard Alan Miller for a 3 hour impromptu, open, talk about things including the US's Water Weapon and it's relationship to Chem Trails and the bacteria used- that just might be the cause a general dehydration and possibility Morgellion's Disease.


tt: 4:00:00

Opening comments by James, Reporter-at-Large, Janet Phalen, discussed a current legal matter that has implications for all of us. Also, decision to bomb Syria, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Open Talk with James plsu Psychic, Jim Shultz called in to chat a bit.


tt: 3:00:00

Opening comments by James, Reporter-at-Large, Janet Phalen, will be discussing her article published by the New Eastern Outlook titled, - The United States and Israel: A Dance of Deception, Part 1-, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Open Talk with James. Impromptu caller, Author and Editor, Bruce MacDonald kicks around various items with James


tt: 2:57:45

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Dr. Richard Alan Miller pops on for an important announcement of his uncovering patents and data for a Fusion Bomb, Sophia Stewart, author of The Third Eye returns to talk about her legal victory and the full Story behind the characters and plots of The Matrix and The Terminator which were based on her work, The Third Eye.


tt: 4:17:00

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Dr. Richard Alan Miller's full talk on Buckyball Fusion Bomb with the data and published papers outlining the materials and mechanisms and future goals of the most devastating weapon in history. YouTube video to come.


tt: 1:47:00

Opening comments by James, Reporter-at-Large, Janet Phalen, The Dance of Deception: The US Holocaust Museum Сaught Сovering Up Genocide, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, James has an impromptu call for understanding, light and love for Whistle-lower Douglas Duane Dietrich... who has brought out the greatest paradigm-changing information in modern history, and has battled with and through the deepest Darkest forces on this planet, and it is taking it's toll.


tt: 2:31:51

Opening comments by James, Reporter-at-Large, Janet Phalen, Janet departs from her usual investigative reports and discusses the phenomenon of courts that kill and what happened in Riverside Superior Court this past week., Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, James joins Will Blueotter at Prophecykeepers Radio for a live simulcast on various topics as they come up in open talk.


tt: 2:58:51

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Psychic Jim Schultz returns for his monthly visit, self-taught, Alt-Health expert, Ron Domin shares what he found on Metal detoxify, and Geo Engineering Detox.


tt: 1:01:04

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Healing meditation for Serena Streetman & Jospeh Baker.


tt: 1:01:04

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Healing meditation for James' brother Tom.


tt: 2:45:45

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Healing meditation for Eric Snyder, in depth interview with Janet Phalen on her explosive, auto-biographical whistle-blower book, "Exile". NOTE: The video version of this interview has been posted on my YouTube Channel: http://youtu.be/xDeDZG9NBeo


tt: 2:35:45

Opening comments by James, Reporter-at-Large, Janet Phalen, Janet speaks on whistle blower layers losing their right of fess speach, Les Visible Social, Political, Spiritual Commentaries and Rebecka Eggers, Freedom Activator, is the author of Coming Alive!, a book about Spirituality, Activism, & Living Passionately in the Age of Global Domination.


tt: 2:23:06

Opening comments by James, Reporter-at-Large, Janet Phalen and Psychic James Shultz open talk with James.

Click the DATE for more information and to access the show archive
Guest Highlights


tt: 2:22:11

James Starts F2F Year #11! James opens with comments on the Alex Jones/Piece Morgan incident, also claims that Sandy Hook did not actually happen! Private Investigator Ed Opperman who has developed a method to trace emails to their source. Also, examples of some high-profile cases he worked on like Todd Palin's Hooker-Gate to information on Lennon's Killer and his connection to the Process Church of the Final Judgment.


tt: 5:00:11

James opens with opening comments, then Joseph G. Jordan look at Alien abduction as a spiritual or metaphysical event. Russ Dizdar with his success in helping "Super Soldiers", Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK Ultra Victims, also, as Spiritual/Metaphysical victims; both using Jesus and the Holy Spirit to both stop the abuse and heal the effects.


tt: 2:45:34

James opens with opening comments, James McCanney, M. S. discusses his findings/calculation that Comet 2012/S1 (ISON) while not coming close to Earth, will effect it by it's electrical alignment with Jupiter, the Sun, the Moon and Venus. Also, the physical exchanges with Mars as it passes thru the large coma/tail. E. S. James Swaggert share his finding and thoughts on the "Passage Grave" phenomena at Newgrange and other sights in and around the British Isles.


tt: 5:08:39

James with opening comments on news topics impacted by being Easter, Les Visible has an Easter Commentary, Lional Parkinson returns to comment on the Bank Holidays in Cypress, reiterating his position on Gold and the Digital Dollars vs Paper Cash (in hand). Fatima Historian Robert C. Valentine returns to speak of the new Pope in the light of St. Malachy, Nostradamus, Fatima and Garabonal.


tt: 3:22:17

James with opening comments on the midwest flooding an the boston bombing (recorded on 4-21-13), Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Douglas Dietrich returns to speak with both personal cultural and top-secret knowledge he amassed as a document destroyer for the DOD, on North Korea. (Recorded on 4-14-13)


tt: 2:06:28

James with opening comments, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Robert C. Valentine on the Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima (May 13th, 2013) with a recap of events and the various anomalies of the release (or better corrupted, or non-release) of the Mother Mary's Message and the price the Catholic Church has paid-- and will pay in the times to come.


tt: 3:46:32

James with opening comments, a full interview with Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentator, James wa interviewed by Daniel Ott on The Edge AM show.


tt: 0:54:22

James Returns LIVE! A mini, practice run tonight, live on TogiNET Radio. James has varrious comments, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries


tt: 5:59:53

James with opening comments, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Greg Delong on his Super Pure Whey, and how it differs from others and warnings for many types of whey being sold. Reporter Janet Phalen & Attorney Ken Ditkowsky exposing the sever Guardian Abuse of their charges, Private investigator Ed Opperman on email/text tracing and various political comments on the Neo-Liberal and how it does not resemble the Left of old.


tt: 2:59:01

James with opening comments, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Martin Ball, Ph.D. discusses an "Enthogenic" view of the God, the Universe and our place in it.


tt: 3:00.07

James with opening comments, Douglas Dietrich discusses the legally threatening email sent his manager, allegedly sent by Satanist, and Retired Military Officer, Michael Aquino, demanding Douglas retract statements about Aquino and demands an apology. Some points in the letter, Douglas asserts, he never said and challenges Aquino to find them. Others points are in the public domain. Douglas is willing to address Aquino one-on-one on an F2F show.


tt: 3:13:30

James with opening comments, Ed Opperman- computer and cell phone forensic expert talks about cases and current topics, James McCanney, M.S. differentiates between good data and disinfo on Comet ISON.


tt: 2:54:07

James with opening comments, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, With the scheduled guest's illness, James called upon Ed Opperman and Dr. Rita Louise to kick around some topic and subjects and comments.


tt: 3:00:00

James with opening comments, Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Iran Contra Whistleblower, Bob Fletcher on why he determined the incoming Planet X/Nibiru is a both real and imminent!


tt: 2:59:00

James with opening comments, Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, David Christopher Lewis -Advanced Studies of the Human Aura


tt: 2:29:00

James with opening comments, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Dr. Rebecca Carley, M.D. on the documented dangers with inoculations and the Health Care System and practices in general and how you can holistically stay health without it.


tt: 2:59:00

James with opening comments, Reporter-At-Large, Janet Phelan, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Jim Schultz returns live (Psychic Readings & Commentaries), James McCanney, M.S. with updates on the rampant disinfo on ISON and the Sun, Ed Opperman- computer and cell phone forensic expert talks about cases and current topics


tt: 2:55:53

Comments by James, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan, Open Talk with James, James McCanney, M.S. on Comet ISON and other space issues


tt: 2:47:09

Comments by James, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan, World Bank - IMF Whistle-Blower, Karen Hudes outlines the fraudulent actions from her inside view as well what is being down by the peoples of the world to transition from the USD to a commodities based currency.


tt: 3:00:00

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan, Jim Schultz (Psychic Readings & Commentaries), James begins talks on his theology-theosophy-philsophy that answers, for him, many contradictions in other teachings.


tt: 1:47:00

Opening comments by James. Then James continues talks on his theology-theosophy-philsophy that answers, for him, many contradictions in other teachings. James is joined by P.I. and repeated guest, Ed Opperman, to comments on points James brings up


tt: 1:59:11

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan, James continiues talks on his theology-theosophy-philsophy that answers, for him, many contradictions in other teachings.


tt: 2:20:00

Opening comments by James, Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Reporter-At-Large Janet Phelan on changes in Mid-East Policy and their ramifications, James continues talks on his theology-theosophy-philsophy that answers, for him, many contradictions in other teachings. This week focusing on Jesus' "Beatitudes"

Feet to the Fire, with The Black Knight of Talk Radio™, James Arthur Jancik
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"Feet to the Fire" © ® MMIII - MMXVIII James A. Jancik. All Rights Reserved.
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"Not all who wander, are lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien